The Website
Of Bertrand Méheust

Biography :

Bertrand Méheust is a visiting researcher at the CNRS and a philosophy teacher. He also belongs to the management committee of the Institut métapsychique international (IMI). He is the author of several books and articles on the history and epistemology of mesmerism and parapsychology: Somnambulisme et médiumnité, Les Empêcheurs de penser en rond, 1999, 2 vols, his doctoral thesis ; Alexis Didier, Un voyant prodigieux, Les Empêcheurs de penser en rond, 2003. In 2004, he wrote Devenez savants, découvrez les sorciers, lettre à Georges Charpak, a reply to the French Nobel prize’s widely publicised book: Devenez sorciers, devenez savants. In 2006, he published Histoires paranormales du Titanic. He is currently working on an essay funded by the Centre national du livre (CNL), that will be dealing with (some of) the philosophical and epistemological issues raised by divination, and the book by which he started his studies on the field of paranormal ( Science-fiction et soucoupes volantes, 1978) has just been reprinted in june 2007 with a new introduction.

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— Bertrand Méheust all rights reserved —